Welcome to No Empty Plates

Our Mission: The South Florida Hunger Coalition, though our “No Empty Plates” initiative, strives to eradicate hunger by acting as a resource, convener, and implementer of innovative health, nutrition and food security-related initiatives through collaborative partnerships with individuals, communities, agencies/organizations, and sponsors and donors.

No Empty Plates means just that: Freedom from Hunger and food insecurity is a right for all!

It is not a privilege.for the chosen few.

In support of our vision and mission statement, the SFHC presently creates, implements and/or supports multiple programs, and anti-hunger initiatives, by individuals, nonprofits, volunteers, groups and all who support freedom from hunger. We also believe that access to proper nutrition is a right that needs to recognize that there is a strong racial equity, diversity and inclusion component in the anti-hunger and food insecurity discussion and potential solutions :

Summer Food, Fun & Friends, a 10-week child nutrition and education program during the school summer vacation period providing daily meals, snacks and enrichment activities in partnership with the Children’s Services Council of Broward County, Blue Tree Café and dozens of community partners to provide thousands of meals and creative opportunities to support, encourage and enhance the lives of food insecure and at-risk youth.

The Mobile School Pantry (MSP) program, which we mentor and support with direct engagement, as well as grants from local agencies. MSP has developed into a national model for hunger relief at the local level, presently working directly with nearly a dozen Title l school sites in Broward County. MSP has establishing “pop-up” Client Choice pantries, from which students and their families can access nutritious food, including fresh fruits and vegetable and non-perishable items in a “farmers market” setting throughout the school year. The goal of this school pantry program is to provide not only food, but connections to additional services for each family to achieve long-term solutions to end hunger. MSP distributes approximately one million pounds of food items annually and serves over 1000 children and families in need.

The Transforming Community Initiative (TCI) project is an innovative and visionary grassroots community funding and technical assistance program, with funding from the Trinity Health network in partnership with Holy Cross Health. It’s goal is to promote “systemic change” in the communities we serve, including community-based organizations and residents to advance health equity in ours most vulnerable communities. Our project, Racial Equity Advancing Community Health (REACH), works with community members, leaders and organizations to address historic, systemic racism and racial inequities as they impact health access and the nutritional status and food security of the Sistrunk
community in Ft. Lauderdale, Broward County..

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